6 – Treasury Garden

Chris Crooks (Dean’s Verger) welcomes you to visit the secret garden behind the walls in the Cathedral Close.

At the bottom of Quickwell Hill in St. David’s is a lovely old bridge, bear left and into the Cathedral Close – The Cathedral treasury building is on the left near the end of the road.  Watch out for the BEE sign down the back lane and through the arched doorway into the secret garden – we all like secrets!

The lawn is on the ‘moor’ and after heavy rainfall the water table can rise at the bottom of the garden where the River Alun runs. However, when the sun shines this garden reveals the lush growth that is full of wild flowers, buzzing insects and the sounds of happy birds near the tinkling of the water of the Alun.

Beware of the cats and the very friendly residents in this quiet backwater.


We advise wearing comfortable walking shoes and, if wet, wellington boots in order to fully explore the garden. Well behaved dogs are welcome on short leads.